Senin, 30 Mei 2011


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ESTI SARI DEWI AP                           19210768
SUHANDY DARMAWAN                   16210633
DIMAS RANDY NASRULLAH          12210044



We prayed Praise and Gratitude to Allah SWT, because with Him Ridho we can finish this paper, the opportunity this time we will discuss about "Management Manager. " This paper is one of the tasks given by the Lecturer softskill Basic English.
For that we thank you to all those who have been directly involved in the process of making this paper.
We realize that this paper still has many flaws, therefore we welcome any suggestions and criticism from Supervisor in order to increase and expansion.


The word comes from French Management ménagement old, who has a sense of art to implement and manage. [1] Management definition does not have an established and universally accepted. [2] Mary Parker Follett, for example, defines management as the art work done through others. This definition means that a manager responsible for managing and directing others to achieve organizational goals. [3] Rick W. Griffin defines management as a process of planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling resources to achieve the objectives (goals) in an effective and efficient. Effective means that the goal can be achieved in accordance with the planning, while efficient means that the task is done correctly, organized, and in accordance with the schedule. [4]

Before the 20th century, there were two important events in management science. [2] The first incident occurred in 1776, when Adam Smith published a doctrine of classical economics, The Wealth of Nations. In his book, he put forward the economic advantages to be gained from the division of labor organization (division of labor), which details the work into specific tasks and repetitive. By using a pin mill industry as an example, Smith said that with ten people each perform specific job-pin companies to produce approximately 48,000 pins a day. However, if each person worked alone completing each section of work, was very great when they are able to produce ten pins a day. Smith concluded that division of labor can increase productivity by (1) increasing the skill and dexterity of each worker, (2) save time to lose in the turn of duty, and (3) create machines and other discoveries that can save labor. [8]

The second important event that influenced the development of management science is the Industrial Revolution in England. The Industrial Revolution marks the beginning of use of the machine, replace human labor, which resulted in the relocation of production activities from houses toward a special place called the factory. The move has resulted in managers when it takes a theory that can help them forecast demand, ensure sufficient supplies of raw materials, giving tasks to subordinates, directing daily activities, etc., so that science manajamen began to be developed by experts


 The manager is someone who works through others to coordinate their activities in order to achieve organizational goals Pyramids of number of employees in organizations with traditional structures, based on its level. In traditionally structured organizations, managers are often grouped into top managers, middle managers and first line managers (usually depicted with a pyramid shape, where a larger number of employees at the bottom than at the peak). First-line management (first-line management), also known by the term operational management, is the lowest level of management in charge of directing and supervising non-managerial employees involved in the production process. They are often referred to the supervisor (supervisor), shift manager, area manager, office manager, department manager, or foreman (foreman). Middle-management level (middle management) includes all the management were among the first-line managers and top management and served as a liaison between the two. Positions that included middle managers including the head part, the project leader, plant manager, or division manager.
Top management (top management), also known by the term executive officer, in charge of planning activities and general corporate strategy and directs the course of the company. Examples of top management is a CEO (Chief Executive Officer), CIO (Chief Information Officer) and CFO (Chief Financial Officer). However, not all organizations can accomplish their work by using this traditional pyramid shape. For example, the organization more flexible and simple, with work performed by a team of employees who are always changing, moving from one project to another in accordance with the demands of work. Henry Mintzberg, a professor of management science research, suggests that there are ten roles played by managers in the workplace. He then categorize the ten roles into three groups [13]. The first is the role of inter-personal, ie involving people and other liabilities, which are ceremonial and symbolic. This role includes a role as a figure for men, the leader, and liaison. The second is informational role, covering the role of managers as monitors and disseminator of information, and roles as a spokesperson. The third is the decision-making roles, including roles as an entrepreneur, problem solvers, resource divider, and negotiator. Mintzberg then concluded that in general, activities undertaken by the manager is to interact with others. [13]

[Edit] Skills Managers

[sunting] Keterampilan manajer

This picture shows the skills required managers at every level.
Robert L. Katz in the 1970s suggested that every manager needs at least three basic skills. [14] These three skills are:

1. Conceptual Skills (conceptional skills)

Top-level managers (top manager) must have the skills to create concepts, ideas, and ideas for the progress of the organization. The idea or ideas and concepts are then to be translated into a plan of activities to fulfill the idea or concept that. The process of translation of ideas into a concrete work plan which is usually referred to as the planning process or planning. Therefore, conceptual skills are also meruipakan skills to create a work plan.

2. Skills relate to others (humanity skills)
In addition to conceptual skills, managers also need to be equipped with communication skills or skills relate to other people, also called human skill. Persuasive communication should always be created by managers to subordinates they lead. With a persuasive communication, friendly, and fatherly will make employees feel valued and then they will be open to the boss. Communication skills required, both at the level of top management, middle, or bottom.

3. Technical skills (technical skills)

These skills are generally a provision for managers at lower levels. This technical skill is the ability to perform a specific job, for example using a computer program, fix the engine, making chairs, accounting and others. In addition to the above three basic skills, Ricky W. Griffin added two basic skills that need to be owned by managers, namely:

1. Time management skills

It is a skill that refers to the ability of a manager to use the time they have wisely. Griffin filed a case Lew Frankfort of Coach. In 2004, as manager, Frankfort paid $ 2,000,000 per year. If it is assumed that he worked for 50 hours per week with 2 weeks vacation time, then every hour Frankfort salary is $ 800 per hour-about $ 13 per minute. From there we can see that every minute is wasted would be very detrimental to the company. Most managers, of course, have a much smaller salary than Frankfort. However, the time they have remained a valuable asset, and menyianyiakannya means wasting money and reduce the productivity of firms.

2. Decision-making skills

Is the ability to define problems and determine the best way to solve them. Decision-making ability is the most important for a manager, especially for groups of managers (top manager). Griffin proposed three steps in making a decision. First, a manager must define the problem and looking for alternatives, which can be taken to resolve it. Second, managers must evaluate any existing alternatives and choose an alternative that is considered the most good. And lastly, managers must implement an alternative that has been his choice as well as monitor and evaluate them to stay on the right track.
There are many factors to influence others. For example, in the company, one of which is the power positions. The higher one's position in the office, such as managers, the stronger the effect on employees. Really always the case? Not really. If didudukan positions as the only limiting the power of the working assumption will tend to danger. Position is temporary. Any time someone could be fired. Thus even if there is power but the effect is very short time scale. Besides, if force is applied authoritarian position it would have happened even the emergence of resistance from the employees' actions. Even the employees likely will be many who left the company. Except for office-based leadership model that applied participatory oriented and establish an atmosphere of disciplined hard work and smart. Then what kind of other forces that should belong to the manager?
         Enough that the manager has only participative leadership?
This question is important because the leadership model proposed is also not the only one as a major force in influencing encouraged employees to work hard. Why is that? If only managers lack the power of knowledge about aspects of managerial, production, financial, marketing, etc. then the employee would be skeptical about the manager. Manager's credibility could decline. Trust employees to managers on the wane. Another example is what would happen if one day the customer came to the manager to request detailed info about a particular product quality. Then also do not know how to serve him. It is conceivable, the level of customer trust towards the manager and the company also declined. Can-can they be ngabur to other companies. Thus the power of managers in the form of extensive knowledge and insight into an important element in self leadership.
         In practice the power of knowledge did not deserve to be the only element of leadership self-management guides. Back to the examples above though has the power of high office and knowledge, but if the manager has a personality that is not capable of making employees and customers feel comfortable and safe then it's useless. Personality strength shown by the power of empathy and high motivation will give employees a very relaxed atmosphere and high performance. While the friendly nature of the manager when receiving the customer will create higher customer loyalty. Similarly, manager friendliness and sincerity towards the development of business networks will provide assurance to business partner how important cooperation was built.
        In addition to the three powers above, so there is again a power of leadership self-manager should have the power to build relationships. These forces ensure the establishment of working relationships with employees who synergistic, relationship marketing with customers / consumers is high, and business relationships with prospective business partners. To be more effective strength of the relationship so that the entire instrument should be employed managers, for example if the employee developed periodic meetings in an "exchange" innovative ideas with an open and informal relaxed. While with the customer can build a market survey and market promotion in door (open house), and with business partners to eat meals and business contacts lobby intensively and continuously.  Certainly the power of self-leadership of a manager is not only characterized by the four elements above are, ceteris paribus. There's more like strength and managerial vision. Two forces that are implicitly reflected in the ability of managers in applying the power of position, knowledge, personality, and strength of the relationship. In other words the full power of a manager in a variety of dimensions, the greater strength in building the leadership itself.


They also believe, the manager-employee relationship is a close and mutual trust will help make the values ​​more real employees. Employees sure, managers need constructive assistance in order to become a manager (preferably) both. Through an annual mechanism which is now entering its third year, employees were asked to provide feedback on their managers. This feedback is processed and each manager will receive a report indicating their strengths and weaknesses in managing employees.

Companies that invest to develop top talent and their managers will have a tremendous competitive advantage. The managers have a unique and important position to make employees love their jobs. Managers the ability to share and link corporate strategy with their teams have a direct impact on company success. It's a tough job, but we must trust our manager can do best.


Selasa, 17 Mei 2011



Manajemen dan bisnis adalah dua pengertian yang berbeda. Namun kadang kala kita sering menyamakan konsep dan pemahaman dua kata tersebut. Misalnya, jika anda mencari konsultan untuk membantu membenahi perusahaan anda, di dalam benak anda yang terpikirkan adalah konsultan manajemen dan konsultan bisnis. Mengapa? dalam konsep orang awam manajemen diartikan sebagai mengatur, mengelola, atau mengontrol sedangkan konsep bisnis diartikan sebagai berdagang, berusaha, mengelola perusahaan. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita bahas konsep manajemen dan bisnis dalam pengertian yang sebenarnya.
Konsep dan Pengertian Manajemen
Dalam artikel saya sebelumnya yang berjudul "Kami Ahlinya Konsultan Manajemen-Management Consultant " konsep manajemen diartikan Kata Manajemen berasal dari bahasa Prancis kuno ménagement, yang memiliki arti seni melaksanakan dan mengatur. Manajemen belum memiliki definisi yang mapan dan diterima secara universal. Mary Parker Follet, misalnya, mendefinisikan manajemen sebagai seni menyelesaikan pekerjaan melalui orang lain. Definisi ini berarti bahwa seorang manajer bertugas mengatur dan mengarahkan orang lain untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Ricky W.Griffin mendefinisikan manajemen sebagai sebuah proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengkoordinasian, dan pengontrolan sumber daya untuk mencapai sasaran (goals) secara efektif dan efesien. Efektif berarti bahwa tujuan dapat dicapai sesuai dengan perencanaan, sementara efisien berarti bahwa tugas yang ada dilaksanakan secara benar, terorganisir, dan sesuai dengan jadwal.
Fungsi Manajemen dapat diringkas menjadi fungsi yang pertama adalah Perencanaan (planning). Fungsi ini adalah fungsi manajemen yang harus mampu menjawab 5W1H yaitu Apa yang direncanakan (What), Mengapa direncanakan? ( Why), Kapan dilakukan? (When), Dimana dilakukan? (Where) dan Oleh siapa yang melakukan? (Who) dan yang terakhir adalah bagaimana melakukannya?(How)
Fungsi kedua manajemen adalah Pengorganisasian (Organizing). Yaitu fungsi manajemen yang berhubungan dengan pembagian tugas, wewenang dan tanggung jawab. Di sini masing-masing orang di dalam fungsi manajemen memiliki job description yang jelas dan terstruktur. Fungsi selanjutnya adalah Pelaksanaan (Actuating) adalah fungsi manajemen yang berhubungan dengan bagaimana cara melakukan atau menggerakan personal untuk menjalankan tugas dan perannya masing-masing di dalam organisasi perusahaan. Fungsi Controlling atau pengawasan adalah fungsi manajemen dimana peran dari personal yang sudah memiliki tugas, wewenang dan menjalankan pelaksanaannya perlu dilakukan pengawasan agar supaya berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan, visi dan misi perusahaan. Di dalam manajemen perusahaan yang modern fungsi control ini biasanya dilakukan oleh divisi audit internal.
Konsep dan Pengertian Bisnis
Secara umum pengertian ekonomi bisnis adalah kegiatan untuk melakukan proses jual dan beli barang dan jasa kepada konsumen untuk mendapatkan laba atau keuntungan. Asal kata bisnis berasal dari bahasa Inggris business. Aktivitas bisnis bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja dan dimana saja. Bahkan dalam dunia saat ini aktivitas bisnis dapat dilakukan tanpa harus bertatap muka antara penjual dan pembeli. Konsep bisnis yang dilakukan diinternet ini sudah menjadi aktivitas bisnis yang tidak terbatas oleh waktu dan ruang bahkan usia. Kata bisnis sendiri masih menjadi perdebatan. Bisnis dapat merujuk pada badan usaha atau perusahaan yang menjalankan aktivitas bisnis.
Bisnis dapat dikelompokan berdasarkan aktivitas bisnis yang dilakukannya dalam rangka mendapatkan laba atau keuntungan.
1. Bisnis yang memproduksi barang atau disebut dengan manufacture. Aktivitas bisnis ini biasanya memproduksi barang untuk kemudian dijual atau diperdagangkan ke konsumen atau pihak ketiga yang disebut distributor.
2. Bisnis yang memproduksi jasa. Aktivitas bisnis ini biasanya memproduksi kemampuan yang bersifat skill seperti konsultan bisnis atau konsultan manajemen. Yang menjadi produk dari bisnis jasa adalah kemampuan dari personal secara soft skill.
Bagaimana Manajemen Bisnis bisa Membantu Perusahaan Menjadi Lebih Maju?
Sebenarnya tidak ada formula manajemen bisnis yang menjamin bahwa dengen menerapkan suatu manajemen binsis maka otomatis akan berhasil menjadi perusahaan besar dan maju. Perlu difahami bahwa adanya manajemen bisnis diperlukan untuk mengatur dan mengelola perusahaan agar lebih teratur, rapi dan sesuai dengan keinginan dari pemilik perusahaan atau tujuan dari perusahaan itu berdiri. Suatu perusahaan yang sudah menerapkan sistem manajemen tertentu seperti ISO 9001, Six Sigma, Balance Score Card atau pun blue ocean strategy tidak menjamin perusahaan tersebut menjadi besar. Seperti yang sudah saya tulis di artikel berjudul "Integrated Performance Management: Bagaimana Konsultan Manajemen Bisa Membantu Anda?" penerapan sistem manajemen yang bagus dan berkualitas tanpa adanya integrated management akan menjadi sia-sia dan membuang biaya.
Namun dalam prinsip manajemen untuk menjalankan bisnis perusahaan sistem manajemen yang direkomendasikan adalah seperti yang diuraikan diatas yaitu adanya fungsi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan fungsi kontrol. Dengan menjalankan formula manajemen seperti itu diharapkan bisnis perusahaan akan berjalan dengan baik dan mencapai sasaran sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan.


Senin, 02 Mei 2011


Latihan 1 : di dalam dialog berikut, jawaban panjang diberikan di dalam  kurung. Lihat jawaban panjang tersebut, lalu buat pertanyaan yes/no dan jawaban singkat untuk melengkapi tiap dialog.jangan gunakan verba negative di dalam pertanyaan.

  1. A:  do you know my brother ?
B:  No,  I don’t                                    ( I don’t know your brother. )

  1. A:  does jane eat lunch at cafeteria everday ?
B:  Yes,  She does                               ( jane eats lunch at the cafeteria everday. )

  1. A:  Does that pen belong to you ?
B:  No,  it doesn’t                                ( that pen doesn’t belong to me )

  1. A:  Do the student in this class speak English well ?
B:  Yes,  they do                                  ( the students in this class speak english well. )

  1. A:  Did you sleep well last night ?
B:  Yes,  I did                                      ( I slept well last night.)

  1. A:  Did Ann and Jim come ti class yesterday ?
B:  No,  they didn’t                             ( Ann and Jim didn’t come to class yesterday. )

     7.    A:  Are you studying my grammar book ?
            B:  Yes,  I am                                      ( I’m studying my grammar book. )    

  1. A:  Are the children watching TV ?  
B :  No, they aren’t                             ( The children aren’t watching TV. )    

  1. A:  Is Tim Wilson (he) in my astronomy class ?
B:  Yes,  he is                                      ( Tim Wilson is in my astronomy class. )  

10      A:  Was is foggy yesterday ?
B:  No,  it wasn’t                                 ( It wasn’t foggy yesterday. )
    11.   A:  Will you be at home tonight ?
B:  No,  I wan’t                                   ( I won’t be at home tonight.)

12.      A:  is Jason going to be at work yesterday ?
B:  No.  he isn’t                                   (Jason isn’t going to be at work tomorrow.)

Latihan 5:Buatlah pertanyaan meminta informasi.Gunakan where,why,when atau what time.

  1. A:  When/ what time** did you get up this morning ?
B:  At 7:30.                              ( I go up at 7:30 this morning. )

  1. A:  Where did you eat lunch today ?
B:  At the cafeteria.                   ( I ate lunch at the cafeteria today. )

  1. A:  What time did you lunch ?
B:  At 12:15.                            ( I ate lunch at 12:15. )
  1. A:  Whay do you eat lunch at cafeteria ?
B:  Becouse the food is good.   ( I eat lunch at the cafeteria because thee food is good. )

  1. A:  Where do your aunt and uncle live ?
B:   In Chicago.                        ( My aunt and uncle live in Chicago. )

  1. A: When are you going to visit your aunt and uncle ?
B:  Next week.                         ( I’m going to visit my aunt and uncle next week. )

  1. A:  When will you at home ?
B:  Around six.             ( I’ll get home around six tonight. )

  1. A:  Where is George will lear tonight ?
B:  At that library                      ( George is going to study at library tonight. )

  1. A:  Why George studiest at library ?
B:  Becouse it’s quet.                ( George studies at the library because it’s quiet. )

  1. A:  Where I can catch a bus ?
B:  At the corner                       ( You can  catch a bus at that corner. )

  1. A:  What time did you have to leave ?
B:  Ten o’clock.                        ( I have to leave at ten o’clock.)

  1. A:  Where was you lived ?
B:  In Japan.                             ( Iwas living in Japan in 1988. )